Praise of Allah (SWT) is the first feeling aroused in a believer’s heart at the mention of Allah. For man’s own existence is an aspect of Allah’s infinite grace, which engenders gratitude and reverence towards Allah. The manifestations of Allah’s munificence and generosity to man and other creatures abound everywhere and can be seen at every moment. To praise Allah at the beginning and at the end of every action is another fundamental principle of the Islamic faith. The Qur’an says: “He is God; there is no deity but He. To Him belongs praise in the first and in the last…” (28:70)
Nevertheless, Allah’s grace is such that when a believer says, ‘praise be to Allah,’ it is recorded for him as a good deed outweighing everything. `Umar ibn al-Khattab, the Prophet’s Companion, relates that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) told how a man once said, “Lord, I praise You as befits the majesty of Your face and the greatness of Your power.” The two angels accompanying that man could not evaluate the remark and referred to Allah Almighty, who commanded them: “Register it in his record as he said it, and I shall reward him as he deserves when he returns to Me.”
The last part of this verse, “Lord of the worlds”, expresses the belief in absolute universal Godhead which is at the very core of the Islamic concept of God. Allah is the sole, absolute and ultimate owner with full independent authority to act in the whole cosmos. He is the overall supreme master who has created the world and continues to watch over it, take care of it, and ensure its stability and well-being. This living and dynamic relationship between the Creator and the created is the perpetual fountain of life for all creation. Allah has not created the world and abandoned it to its own devices. He continues to be an active living authority over His creation, giving it what it needs for its continued and meaningful life. This applies to all Allah’s creation.
Source: In the Shade of the Qur'an (1:2)

A great reminder. A complete way of life.
High-Quality Printable selection of Quranic Reminders featuring verses in Arabic calligraphy with English translation. Turn your home into a constant sign of Allah’s blessings and His reminders, These Quranic Quotes work as a constant reminder while adding beauty to your Muslim home.
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Hanging Verses of the Quran in One’s House
It is permissible to hang the holy verses of the Quran in one’s house and other places following the conditions:
- It must be hung in a good, clean and protected place from najis and it must be hung properly (so that it doesn’t fall easily) to prevent it from falling to the feet of people.
- It must also be hung not for mockery or seeking blessings but just as a reminder.
- Don’t be excessive in this act that it could lead to being wasteful.